Insurance Q + A

We get asked quite often about insurance and compare websites not being able to price. This is simply because the cars are so new into the country, their database's have not updated. This can take 6/12 Months.

We get asked the following;
Q: Will it be more expensive being an import?
A: No, some insurance companies refuse to quote but most are fine, it just may need a phone call.

Q: My insurance can't find the car?
A: Cars are to new to be found as of yet. However a call to them will rectify.

Q: Do they come from the same factories as UK cars?
A: Yes, they all come from the same factories using the same parts, alarms and immobilisers.

Q: Do you have a list of good insurance companies to use?
A: Over the years we have built up a list of insurance companies that cover imports without issue. Please see the following lists;

Admiral : 0800 600 800 or
Adrian Flux : 0344 888 5544 or
Argent : 01664 562 035
Asda : 0845 300 7131
Autonet : 0800 279 9701 or
Aviva : 0800 015 4715 or
Bell : 0333 220 2010
Brentacre : 01792 650933
Chris Knott : 0800 917 2274 or
Churchill : 0800 200 300 or
Crowthorne : 0870 741 8841
Directline : 0845 835 3494 or
Donedeal : 0845 194 9577 or
Footman James : 0121 561 4196 or
Hyperformance : 0181 939 3944
Jap Cover : 01275 856618 or
Lloyds TSB : 0800 587 5102
Mark Richard LTD : 01275 792 270 or
McKenna : 01204 532 222
Norwich Direct : 0800 888 112
Tesco : 0845 300 4400 or
Post Office : 0800 169 6500
Privilege : 0113 292 5555 or

Have you had any good quotes from other firms?
If so please let us know and we can add them to the list!

We don't have any affiliation with insurance companies but want you to obtain your best deal to enjoy your import ownership.

Q: How much are the tax rates?
A: Anything below 1545cc is £210 for 12 Months
Anything above 1550cc is £345 for 12 Months

Q: Are all imports Ulez free? Even the 3 ltr BMW's?
A: Quite simply, yes, all imports are exempt from Ulez and current government charging schemes.

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